Our values are shared by the teachers, children and parents of St Kieran’s.
As Christians who live by the Gospel values of faith, hope and love, integrity underpins our values which are:
A safe and inclusive community. Every child has the right to be feel safe physically, psychologically and emotionally.
Compassionate. We show care for self and for others.
Respect. Respect is a fundamental principle of living, working, learning and playing together. To be respected, we have to respect others too. We show respect to people, animals, material things and the environment. We are careful about the way we say and do things.
Responsible. We are accountable for our own actions and words.
Cooperative. We work together for the good of everyone.
Our values give us the language to discuss behaviour in a consistent way for parents, students and teachers. These values are the basis of responsible behaviour at school and in each classroom, providing the focus for reflection about any behaviour.
These values help to create our two school rules of Safety and Respect.
We believe that all behaviour is purposeful in order to meet basic needs of:
Love and belonging
Personal power
We explicitly teach students social and collaborative skills about how to meet their basic needs in responsible ways.
We teach children that mistakes are a natural part of learning and we provide opportunities for them to practise more responsible and cooperative replacement behaviours.
As a Catholic faith community, we believe that forgiveness and reconciliation are integral to developing quality relationships. We provide students with opportunities to make choices within boundaries. Those boundaries widen as the children develop their repertoire of responsible behaviours. We do this individually, within classrooms, and at whole school levels.
The role of parents and the community
Effective education of children is a partnership between teachers and parents. We acknowledge that parents are the first and most important educators of their children. You have the role of nurturing positive values and social responsibility.
Our aim is a holistic approach to enable every student to be valued and to feel successful. Positive interactions and relationships between parents, community members, staff and students are important to the wellbeing of everyone.