Parent Quotes on what they value about St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School
'I value the staff and their professionalism at all times. If I ever need to talk to the teacher or the Principal I know that I can.'
'Sense of community and the assurance that my children are being well educated and cared for.'
'That my daughter's enthusiasm for learning is encouraged and supported.'
'The quality of classroom teaching and learning and the overall culture of living the Christian values on a daily basis.'
'The sense of belonging to a welcoming community. The sense of connectedness between Parish and School. The Principal is an impressive personal leader who is passionate and caring and lives the Gospel as part of her work and mission.'
'Knowing that we are doing the best we can to surround our son with good role models so he can be the best he can be.'
Student Quotes on what they value about St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School
'How friends are always supportive of me and how the teachers are making sure we are completely ready for high school before we leave St Kieran's.'
'My favourite part of being in the school is the learning and academic focus. I thoroughly enjoy learning. My second favourite part of coming to school is lunchtime. This gives everyone the time to socialise with their peers and friends. I also enjoy being in a leadership team where we can use our knowledge in that area. I also like the opportunity the school gives me to become involved in events like Mass, and musicals which help us to shine.'
'I really enjoy learning new things at school especially our social and emotional skills, being positive and happy in learning and play.'