Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) develops the knowledge, skills, understanding, values and attitudes students need to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives.
At St Kieran’s, our PDHPE program aims to encompass all aspects of a student’s wellbeing, inclusive of social, mental, physical and spiritual health. Our programs focus on encouraging students to make informed decisions and develop positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.
Specific areas we learn about are:
- Communicating
- Decision Making
- Interacting
- Moving
- Problem Solving
Knowledge and Understanding:
- Active Lifestyle
- Dance
- Games and Sports
- Growth and Development
- Gymnastics
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal Health Choices
- Safe Living
We have a specialist PE teacher who works on skills development with all students for one session per week. In addition, K-2 have a gross motor program, while year 3-6 participate in school and inter school sports sessions. Programs in surf safety awareness, yoga and game skill clinics are also included for various year levels.