Year 5 and 6 Student Leadership

Every student in Year 5 and 6 has a leadership role at St Kieran’s. Our leadership program has fast become one of our strengths, as parents look ahead to navigate their child’s transition to high school. Completing their primary school years as student leaders is an important step towards a successful beginning to secondary school.

Learning to be a leader is a valuable part of school life at St Kieran’s. It recognises each student’s individual strengths and provides them with opportunities to develop their skills in their area of leadership. Our leadership program helps your child grow in confidence and self-assurance, preparing them for life after primary school.

Year 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to be involved in the annual musical performed for the school, parents and visitors. This is seen as part of the leadership program.

Year 5 Leadership Program

As senior students at St Kieran’s, our Year 5 students learn about the qualities of a leader and leadership styles. They are given several opportunities to step into some key school responsibilities. These include:

  • Distributing and collecting playground resources
  • Attending a team building leadership camp at the end of the year at The Collaroy Centre

Year 6 Leadership Program

Year 6 leadership at St Kieran’s gives every student in Year 6 a role. Instead of captains and vice-captains, Year 6 share opportunities to take care of an aspect of school life. Students can choose the area they are most interested in, making their stewardship of that aspect more meaningful for each child.

Students nominate themselves for three teams and give reasons as to why they would be a great leader in this team. Teachers then allocate students to teams. Leadership badges are distributed at the Opening School Mass.

Leadership teams include:
Mission Civics and Citizenship
Pastoral Care Sports
Environment Library

These seven teams cover all aspects of the school where decisions and responsibilities are required. Each team is allocated a teacher mentor who helps to guide decisions and initiatives created by the team.

Leadership opportunities for Year 6 include:

  • Coordinating whole school initiatives e.g. Clean Up Australia Day, St Kieran’s Day, Bullying – No Way Day
  • Student voice – acting as advocates for other students through leadership meetings with mentor teachers
  • Leading Monday and Friday assemblies
  • Communicating ideas to the student body during assemblies or classroom visits
  • Representing St Kieran’s at diocesan and wider community events
  • Assisting in school decision making processes by meeting with school leaders and representation by a mentor teacher
  • Promoting St Kieran’s during school Open Days

Leadership teams are a valued part of the St Kieran’s school community and allow for students to experience a distributed leadership model.